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Cracking Remote Onboarding, Training & Learner Engagement at Fivetran

In this live webinar, Petek Hawkins (Head of Global Learning, Enablement & Development at Fivetran, formerly at Zoom) discusses how her team quickly and effectively moved Fivetran’s entire onboarding program remote while increasing learner engagement during COVID.

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Advanced Reporting & Analytics Made Easy

In this live webinar, Travis Parker (Solutions Engineer at WorkRamp) discusses how to design a solid reporting strategy to change the perception of enablement programs from a cost center to a revenue generator.

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LMS 101: How to Structure Content & Design Your First Training Module

In this live webinar, Jen Scopo (Instructional Design at WorkRamp) helps you conquer the biggest roadblock for trainers when designing a module for the first time or the millionth time — “where do I start?”

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Using Social Challenges to Boost Team Morale During COVID-19

In this live workshop, Morgan Aozasa (Customer Success Lead, WorkRamp) will walk you another popular topic in content creation– how to use ‘social challenges’ as another way to reinforce learning and build your team’s confidence.

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4 Secrets to Maximizing Learner Engagement

One of the most powerful ways to measure the impact of your training program is to look at learner engagement. In this live webinar, Jen Scopo (Instructional Design at WorkRamp) discusses how to design a fail proof strategy to maximize learner engagement.

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Building Content at Scale: Templates & Guides

In this product workshop, Morgan Aozasa (Customer Success Lead, WorkRamp) will walk you through the biggest roadblock in content creation for hyper-growth companies: creating templates and guides that scale.

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Train the Trainer: Harnessing the Power of Role Play

In this webinar, Jen Scopo discusses how to design and execute role-playing scenarios that will uplevel your sales enablement program.

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