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Make Your Company a Career Destination: Sprout Social’s Top L&D Strategies

Sprout Social's goal for employees is simple and powerful: They aim to make their company a career destination. Opportunities for learning and career development are central to achieving this goal--Sprout Social proactively finds L&D opportunities for all team members, whether an individual contributor or a leader.

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5 Ways to Put Learning Front and Center at Your Company

Never underestimate the power of a good onboarding experience. We shared some onboarding tips with our friends at Association for Talent Development (ATD) to help you set your team up for success.

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Leadership Development: The Next Horizon for Enablement

Many enablement professionals began their careers as quota-carrying sales representatives, but these days, enablement teams are tasked with much more such as supporting effective leadership development programs. Join WorkRamp and OpenSesame as we discuss how to put a successful leadership development program in place at your company.

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More Doing, Less Telling: Creative Ways to Build Engagement in Training Workshops and Courses

Join WorkRamp’s Jen Scopo, Manager, Instructional Design, and Jess Arias, Senior Instructional Designer, for a conversation about how to get your team involved and create a more engaging learning experience whether you’re in person or virtual.

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What is a Global Learning Management System?

A Global Learning Management System (GLMS) is essential for any organization with an internationally distributed workforce, and it's important to choose the right one based on the features your company needs.

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How Having a Secure LMS Protects Your Company and Employees

Malware, phishing, ransomware, credential abuse, and denial-of-service attacks cost organizations an average of $4.24 million in 2021. With the rapid increase in security breaches and diversity of cyber-attacks, you need a secure LMS that can protect you from all angles.

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How Training Software Tackles Online Training Challenges

The events of 2020 changed the way organizations train their employees. According to the 2020 Training Industry Report by Training Magazine, organizations across industries relied heavily on online training with roughly 80% of the training being delivered partly or completely online during that time.

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How are LMS Learning Analytics Used?

Learning analytics refers to the analysis of data related to learner behavior. In learning analytics, we collect and organize metrics related to learner engagement and learning results, such as course completion rate, time spent on a particular course, and performance on a post-course assessment.

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Why are LMS Integrations so Important?

Learning management systems integrate with other applications through direct and third-party integrations. Direct integration implies a partnership between the LMS and another software. Third-party integrations act as an intermediary between two apps, so you can use them together without a pre-built integration.

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What is Quiet Quitting and How Can You Prevent It?

Discover quiet quitting risk factors and strategies to mitigate this trend and boost engagement and productivity at your organization.

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Benefits of Employee Onboarding Software

Employee onboarding software provides a platform for new employees to get an organized view of company info, like compliance and benefits, and training to help them ramp up successfully.

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Why Companies Invest in Employee Training Software

By having a great onboarding program, you can retain 69% of your new hires for up to three years. Using the latest employee training software, you can offer user-specific training and make a great impression on your new hires.

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Layers of Learning Objectives: How to Craft & Deliver on Training Outcomes

By defining training outcomes, you’ll empower your learners to feel invested in tracking their progress and finding ways to apply their learnings on the job. By delivering on these training outcomes, you’re only deploying training your learners feel is worth learning.

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Building a Framework for Continuous Learning with WorkRamp

Learning doesn’t stop after onboarding–and to set your teams up for success, you shouldn’t settle there either. Join Morgan Aozasa at WorkRamp, as she shares her favorite customer success stories around building the framework for continuous learning inside WorkRamp.

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Building Top-Notch Classroom Training and Facilitator Guides at Vimeo, Juno & Apple

Jess Arias runs Sales Training at Vimeo, but has a breadth of experience in Learning & Development that serves as the foundation for her incredibly successful training programs. We’re thrilled to share her fresh perspectives around structuring classroom training and building killer facilitator guides with you in this webinar.

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